American Academy of Implant dentistry Maxicourse

The AAID Las Vegas Maxicourse is an 8 month, 300+ hour course that provides didactic and hands on experience in all aspects of implant dentistry including digital workflow, treatment planning, case selection, surgery, restoration, and complication management. In May of 2021 I will complete the maxicourse and, upon successful completion of the exam, become an AAID associate fellow.

Learn More About AAID

American Student Dental Association

As a member of the American Student Dental Association Colorado Chapter I participated and helped in a variety of events including lunch and learns to expose myself to a broader range of dental orgs and politics, hiking and wellness events to help build a sense of community within the school, and much more…

Learn More About CO ASDA

Delta Sigma Delta COLORADO

As a member of Delta Sigma Delta I participated in a variety of events that helped to build community, vertically integrate classes within the CO School of Dental Medicine, and provide mentoring to new students. I also attended regional and international conferences to learn and connect with DSD members from other dental schools around the world and served as the Philanthropy Chair where I organized volunteer events for members and built relationships within the community we serve.

Learn More About DSD

Let’s Connect!

If you’re interested in learning more or think our visions may align, I would love to talk to you! Please do not hesitate contact me via text, phone, or email.