The Xu Wang Lab Goes Hiking

Beautiful Arizona

Xu Wang Lab

Arizona State University

Dr. Xu Wang’s Lab investigates the complex biological interactions between sugars and proteins with the hopes. During my time there, I was able to develop a chemical process of conjugating a protein molecule to a purified strand of heparin, verified by NMR and mass spectrometry. This preliminary research led to approval of a grant that will be used to develop carbohydrate sequencing technology similar to DNA sequencing.

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Fantauzzo Lab

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Dr. Fantauzzo’s research focuses on investigating the development of the cranial NCC-derived craniofacial skeleton through RTK family and PDGF receptor family signaling. During my time in the lab I helped to culture cells, design plasmids, and assist PhD students in their routine experiments. 

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Brenna Gets Hitched

Congrats Brenna!

Masters Poster


While at ASU I completed and successfully defended my thesis. You can read my thesis and view my presentation via the links below.

View Thesis View Presentation